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123 Time registration

Description of 123 Time registration

When to use it

The Google Calendar ™ add-on can be used to sync your calendar data to a Google Spreadsheet™. Within the spreadsheet you can easily analyze your spent hours and assign hours to categories. Example use cases are:

  • Track your personal productivity.

  • Breakdown your hours across different activities.

  • Create insights about your time spent.

  • Prepare timesheets for your clients with clear descriptions of the tasks.

  • Capture per project the time assigned to certain tasks.

How it works

In your Google Calendar you create a secondary calendar, and you register your hours. After installation of the Calendar add-on, you see a clock icon at the right hand of the Workspace sidebar. Clicking the icon will show a sidebar in the Calendar.

  1. You can select which secondary calendar you want to sync

  2. You can define the sync option to overwrite the calendar event title and/or description with information that you provide within the spreadsheet.

  3. You have to create a Spreadsheet via the top menu and specify the start date for the sync.

After the first sync, you can open the spreadsheet file and you can

  • View the synced calendar items.

  • Use the 3 categories to assign your time.

  • Use a formula or type a new title or description for the Calendar event. This information can sync back to the Calendar event during the next sync.

Screen by Screen explanation

First time use

  1. After installation, you will notice the ‘Clock’ icon in the Google Calendar side panel.

  2. Open the ‘123 Time registration’ add-on from your Google Calendar by clicking the clock icon.

Time registration

  1. Within the Calendar selection, choose your secondary calendar and click Save. No calendars? Create a secundary calendar.

  2. In Sync options, save your preference for syncing back your event title and/or description from the spreadsheet back to the calendar.

  3. Within the 3-dot menu, select Spreadsheet.

  4. Create a personal spreadsheet.

  5. Start by clicking the Sync button. The sync will start in the selected calendar and export the items to the spreadsheet.

  6. Click the Spreadsheet button to open the spreadsheet and analyze your calendar items.

Add-on 3-dot menu

Within the 3-dot menu you can find:

  1. The Spreadsheet management options

  1. Product homepage

  2. Contact page

  3. Privacy statement

Spreadsheet - Features

The Spreadsheet page provides the feature to (re) create the Google Spreadsheet that will capture the exported calendar events.

The first part of the spreadsheet displays the basic calendar event fields. This information is captured during the first sync of the event.

Apply one or more categories to your event. E.g. Customer, project and task

Provide a new title and or description. You can sync this information back to the Calendar event during the next sync.

Lists some additional data about the Calendar event.

Formulas in the top row calculate the hours, months, week, year and time duration. This can easily be used within your time analysis.


How to add the Google Workspace extension '123 Time registration' to your Google Calendar?

Option 1: Installation from Google Calendar

  1. In the right hand side bar of the Google Calendar, click the + icon to add Add-ons.

  2. A new pop-up window will show the Google Workspace marketplace.

  3. Search for “123 Time registration”.

  4. Click the button “Individual Install”.

Option 2: Installation from the Google Workspace marketplace

  1. Go to the Google Workspace marketplace:

  2. Search for “123 Time registration

  3. Click the button “Individual Install

  4. Go to Google Calendar

  5. You find the add-on In the right hand side bar of Google Calendar.


  • If you are a Google Workspace administrator, and whitelisting of add-ons are relevant for you, see Google Workspace admin help to whitelist add-ons in your domain.

  • Trouble installing the add-on? Raise a support ticket via the feedback form to register the issue.

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